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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Improved Icon Size Customization and High DPI Display Support in the next ExamDiff Pro

In the next edition of ExamDiff Pro we will be introducing two new icon sizes, 32x32 pixels and 48x48 pixels, in addition to the previous 16x16 and 24x24 icons.

Along with introducing new size options for our icons, we have updated many of our older icons that have been around since the earliest editions of ExamDiff Pro. Users can change the sizes of icon sizes for toolbars and menus separately in the Customize menu as seen below.

Below, you can see what the new UI of ExamDiff Pro 9.0 will look like with the new icons set to 32x32 for toolbars and 24x24 for menus. Note that the Options menus use the menu icon size for the options trees and lists.

For comparison, below is the old UI and icons at 24x24.

In addition to giving the user the ability to set the size of icons in toolbars and menus, ExamDiff Pro 9.0 will automatically scale button icons to adapt to users with high DPI display.

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Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Fast Binary Comparison Mode (Byte-By-Byte Comparison) in the next ExamDiff Pro

In the next version of ExamDiff Pro we will be introducing fast binary comparison mode (byte-by-byte comparison). This feature can be turned on in the Options menu, under Binary Compare.

When activated, ExamDiff Pro will simply compare each byte of one file with the corresponding byte of another file, rather than executing the diff algorithm. As such, there will be no offsets for matching blocks of bytes and ExamDiff Pro will only detect changed, rather than added or deleted blocks (except for the last blocks of files - if they have different sizes). As can be seen below, byte-by-byte comparison also shows the hex memory addresses of each row of bytes.

A similar comparison with byte-by-byte disabled is shown below.

Running binary comparisons with fast binary comparison mode will also be much faster and use significantly less memory.

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